Saturday, February 5, 2011

go red...

Here's a "Go Red" girl for Women's Heart Month.  It's a journal illustration i did while vacationing in Cedar Key, Florida in Valentine's Day 2010.  It was freezing when we were there, so there was lots of time to be inside journaling and creating.  I drew the outlines with a Copic multiliner and colored it in with my sketch markers.

My "Queen of Hearts"…i just love her!


  1. So do I!! So do I!! I Know you had fun creating her!!

  2. What a visual feast!! I can imagine it in cinnamon, cherry, raspberry and cayenne. Yum!!

  3. you weren't kidding about your art journaling!!! this is gorgeous!

  4. *gasp* wow, she is AMAZING!!! you are such an inspritation my friend!!!! =) LOVE your blog, always....
