Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A Visit to Golden Artist Colors Headquarters


Here's a dream day, three artists visit paint factory!  Yesterday i went with my very talented art friends, Chris Pallace and Kevin Serwacki  (the Benches On Parade "master artists" extraordinaire, they painted 27 benches!!).  

We drove 3 hours into central New York, literally in the middle of NOWHERE, on country roads like this: DSCN1334

It was a beautiful drive, and we arrived in New Berlin, NY at Golden Artist Colors (GAC)!
You could feel the buzz in the manufacturing facility, making paint, innovative mediums and products, and the highest quality artists materials.  We felt very welcome, by the most down to earth staff. (who all own the company, check that out on the Golden website!)  Imagine being in a the hub of a Willy Wonka kinda place, where instead of candy, the purest pigments and polymers become luscious paint pouring in buckets and drums all day long! It was heaven on earth! Ahhhhhhh.......



It was a thrill to meet Mark Golden, the owner, who started GAC in 1980 with his dad Sam.  What an inspiring and rich family history.  Mark was so kind, gracious, and clearly passionate about artists and his products.  We enjoyed the time he took  to chat with us about our Benches on Parade (of which we used tons of Golden paints) and our artwork.

  Chris Pallace, Mark Golden, Joanne Sharpe, Kevin Serwacki

Our tour guide for the whole day was Mike Townsend, the Golden products Tech Support guy.  If you ever have any questions or concerns about anything Golden makes, Mike's the man. He knows everything, and takes really good care of everyone!  Here we are at their "Art Bar", where at the end of the tour we were able to learn and play with some great Golden products that Mike demonstrated.  DSCN1380

We were delighted to also meet the inspiring "Golden Goddess", who is the patroness of paint, the ever constant watch over the paint bar!  She is a vision.  Mike had her make our magic paint here, LOL!!




The "Art Bar" was inside the company store, every inch bursting with every single product that Golden makes!!  Took your breath away, a cause for celebration, and hyperventilation, LOL!!DSCN1386

 Real artists know that there is no other product like Golden, it's all like BUTTAH!!!

  It was a thrill to visit at Golden, everything i thought it would be and more.  Thanks for inviting us, we will continue to color the world with GAC! 


  1. Joanne, Thanks for sharing the pics and story about your trip to Golden. I love that it's a family/employeee-owned company. I didn't know the actual founders' names are Golden. I just thought that was what they came up with because their stuff is "golden". The Art Bar is to die for! What a fabulous field trip!

  2. Hi Joanne! They would have had to pry my hands off all that paint goodness at the Art Bar. LOL It would feel like Disneyland on steroids for us art peeps. Wow. Thank you for sharing, love seeing the pics and learning more of their history and foundation. Did you find some new favorite colors or mediums?

  3. Wow wow w ow!!!!! I have to go to there!

  4. You got a "GOLDEN" ticket! Good for you! Glad you enjoyed your trip.
