Hello my friends! Missing in action much? That would be me. It's been a really long, very busy, four months and i am just now taking a breath to share a little bit. Last week I finished all the artwork for my book i've written with Interweave, and shipped all 21 pounds of it off to Denver. It was a huge feat and relieved that it's done. Can't wait for you to see it all in early 2014!

So happy i didn't have to spend the dreary winter in sunless Rochester, NY! Since January 11th i travel teaching and making art from coast to coast (Anaheim), in the desert (Las Vegas), very, very north (in Canada!) to the midwest (Kansas City), in the backyard of our nation's capital (Baltimore) and minutes from the seaside town (on Long Island) where i spent my childhood. I can't even begin to tell you how full my heart is with the beautiful souls who have shared this creative journey with me at every stop. This kind of busy calls upon "being in the moment". I have been very conscious of appreciating all the precious minutes at each venue, during each class, each meal, each conversation.......and it's made for so many rich and meaningful experiences that i have been blessed to have this year.
What i am most fascinated by is the common thread of creativity that is woven through all these experiences, that no matter who we are, what we do or where we come from, we're all together at a given place in time to make art. Even more intriguing, is the diversity of of my adult students. Every beautiful soul that has crossed my path in these travels is connected to each other by the thirst and passion to create, play, making our souls visible in artworks.
My story includes sharing with so many wonderful art girls: moms, daughters, grandmothers, a retired major in the air force, a circuit court judge, an emergency room physician, teachers, accountants, and a "real" rocket scientist named Candy, who works for NASA in Nevada! And last week a gentleman took my lettering class, who was a retired ground controller in Houston. Yes, another space guy from NASA! How cool is that?! I am always in awe at how we all come together for the purpose of creating, and my job is to teach everyone how to color! It is such an honor to share, teach and in some instances ignite someone's creative power.
So, instead of finishing the dreaded paperwork for my taxes (that are due this week) i have been doodling and lettering in this journal for the past few days.
If you are a creative soul, here are "my secrets for pure, authentic creativity"..... The thoughts on these two pages are inspired by my travels and how my lovely students are inspired to embrace their creativity. If you're one who is discovering your creative potential, journaling, making art, these ideas can help you stay fired up, comfortable and excited in your artful journey....
...make art...
...make art...go down deep...just be...be who you are...
...breathe...play...let it go...
...you have to feel it...be true to you...
let yourself play...don't copy others...
don't force it...find your voice...
...trust your gut...you can do this...
Which one of thes speaks loudest to you?
I hope to see you in my travels sometime this year! I'm off to St. Petersburg, FL this month. Then Orange County, CA, Charlotte, NC, Phoenix, AZ, Somerset, NJ, Boston, MA, Chicago and then Italy! (check my teaching schedule tab above)
See.........it's all about the moments.
Beautiful moments to be savored in each experience
and nurturing colorful friendships.............breathe.